Sailing Knowledge航行知识

1. Describe the theory of true and apparent wind.


2. Describe the theory of sailing using force diagrams. Graphically find the center of effort and center of resistance of sails and keel, respectively.


3. Describe with the aid of diagrams the causes of lee and weather helm and methods of correcting them. Include the reasons for preference of slight weather helm, sail selection (including full sails or reefed sails), mast position and mast rake.


4. Describe sail shapes and sail interactions as needed for different wind strengths and points of sail. Describe the effects on sail shape and sail interactions when adjusting the following:


Luff tention 帆前缘张力        Outhaul 后拉索          Downhaul 主帆下拉索

Leech line 帆端上拉索         Boomvang 斜拉索       Cunningham 下拉索

Backstay tension 后支索张力   Jib fairleads 前帆导缆孔  Jib sheet tension 前帆缭绳张力

Mainsheet 主帆缭绳           Traveller 滑轨


6. Identify how to use a barometer and a thermometer either singly or together to assist in predicting weather.


7. Describe cirrus, cirrostratus, altocumulus, stratocumulus, cumulonimbus and cumulus clouds and the weather expected to be associated with each.


7. Describe local weather in relation to thermal winds and prevailing winds.


8. Describe three sources of weather information available to yachtsmen in the United States.


Seamanship 船艺

10. Describe the proper selection of sails on a given boat for all weather conditions and give reasons for the selection made.


10. Describe the appropriate heavy weather precautions for the boat selected and describe how they are carried out. Include sail changes, use of special equipment (safety harness, sea anchor), doubling up of gear, special checks in areas liable to chafe, stowage of equipment (above and below decks), additional checks on condition of bilge, special arrangements for towing dinghy/tender (if used), problems of fatigue, selection of clothing, and the need of at least two on deck at all times.


11. Describe all the steps to be taken by skipper and crew for “heaving to” and “lying ahull.”


12. Describe the methods of rafting at anchor and the possible problems with day and night rafting.


13. Describe how to prevent the tender/dinghy from riding up and bumping the vessel’s hull while anchored at night.


14. Describe step by step how to secure a boat overnight with one anchor and stern made fast to the shore or dock. 如何用一只船锚锚泊过夜,船艉系紧到岸边或码头。

15. Describe two methods of using a second anchor to reduce swinging.


16. Describe four different methods of recovering an anchor which is fouled on the bottom.


17. Describe when and how to use a trip line and an anchor buoy.


18. Describe when and how to set an anchor watch and the responsibilities of such a watch.


19. Describe how to:


  • Prepare a towing bridle 准备笼头绳

  • Pass a tow to another boat 把拖缆递送给另一条船

  • Get underway with a tow and which speeds to use 在拖船的拖带下起航,速度是什么

  • Avoid fouling the propeller 防止螺旋桨受异物缠绕

  • Avoid danger of towline parting under stress 防止拉力过大拖缆断裂

  • Make proper lookout arrangements 安排合适的瞭望

20. List from memory the visual distress signals listed in the applicable U.S. Coast Guard publications.


21. Describe how the boat should be handled and what actions should be taken when the following emergencies occur while under sail:


  • The boat is dismasted 桅杆折断

  • The boat runs aground on a lee shore 帆船在下风岸搁浅

22. Describe how the boat should be handled and what remedial action should be taken when the following emergencies occur while under power:


  • The engine cooling water fails to flow 引擎冷却水不流动

  • The engine fails in a crowded anchorage. 在拥挤锚地引擎失效

  • The engine fails in a busy channel. 在繁忙航道上引擎失效

23. State the fuel tank capacity and range of the selected boat and the factors that could affect its range.


24. State the water tank capacity on your boat and the minimum water requirement per person.


25. Describe the skipper’s responsibilities and action for the following common courtesies and customs of yachtsmen:


  • Permission to board. 允许登船

  • Permission and entitlement to come alongside 允许他船靠近我船船侧

  • Permission and entitlement to cross adjacent boats when rafted.


  • Rights of first boat at an anchorage. 锚地第一船的权利

  • Keep clear of boats racing (even though cruising boats may be the “stand on boats”)


  • Offering assistance to yachtsmen in trouble. 帮助遇险船艇

  • Flag etiquette: National flag, Courtesy flag, Burgee/house flag, Dipping flag.


  • Lines dangling over side. 绳索悬在船外

  • Fenders over side when underway. 航行中防碰球悬在船外

  • Checking of boat’s appearance (shipshape & Bristol). 检查船艇外观

26. List the documents required and the procedures followed when leaving and entering U.S. territorial waters.



27. Describe and demonstrate the appropriate collective measures for the following common engine problems as applicable to the boat selected:


  • Stoppage in fuel line 燃料管堵塞

  • Burned and defective points 分电器触点烧蚀

  • Fouled spark plug/injector problems 火花塞/喷油嘴堵塞

  • Carburetor icing (spring and fall sailing) 化油器结冰(春秋季航行)

  • Unserviceable starter 启动器失效

  • Electrolysis 发动机发生电解

28. Describe when and how to carry out an oil change in the engine selected.


29. Describe the minimum preseason maintenance and checks given to the following:


  • Hull (including underwater fittings, electrical systems, painting, antifouling)


  • Spars and rigging (including electrolysis) 帆桅索具(包括是否遭到电解)

  • Sails 船帆


30. Describe recommended permanent and temporary installation methods of grounding for lightning.


31. State the factors you would consider before allowing anyone to go swimming while the boat is at anchor.


32. State the danger of overhead power lines.


33. Describe the uses, capabilities and limitations of a portable radar reflector.



Boat Handling Under Sail (by Day and Night, 30 hours minimum ASA instructional program)


34. Act as helmsman and demonstrate the proper techniques of beating, reaching, running, tacking, jibing, heading up, heading down (bearing away) and luffing in approximately 20 knots of wind.


35. Work to weather to best advantage using wind shifts, tides and local geography.


36. Sail a compass course (within 10 degrees) with sails trimmed.


37. Demonstrate correct methods of towing a dinghy.


38. Properly carry out nighttime man overboard procedures.


39. Demonstrate correct procedures for hoisting, setting, trimmings, jibing, dousing and packing a spinnaker.


40. Anchor, weigh anchor, pick up and cast off moorings while acting as helmsman and/or crew.


41. Demonstrate how to take a sounding using two different methods.


42. Stand a navigation watch during a passage of about 20 miles by night and 20 miles by day and demonstrate all of the skills required for the ASA Coastal Navigation Standard.


* Spinnaker work is optional. The certifying instructor will indicate spinnaker use in the certification box on page.


What's Next?

ASA 107,天文导航
ASA 108,远洋航行
ASA 111,帆船复习(龙骨帆船)
先修课程:基础龙骨帆船(ASA101)证书 有意向提升或重新熟悉之前在水上 ASA 认证课程中所学的航海知识和技能。 学生和教练在复习前共同决定目标,教练为学生提供一份书面的个人推荐计划和日志, 学生可在复习结束后继续提升知识和能力。这种复习可以多次进行。