At the Dock 在码头

1. Review of Knowledge elements, as applicable, of ASA 101, 103,104, 106, 110, 114 Certification Standards by an ASA Instructor with the appropriate corresponding ASA Instructor Certification(s). 由相应级别的 ASA 认证教练带领复习 ASA101,103,104,106, 110, 114 的知识部分 


SKILLS 技能 Underway 水上 

2. Review of Skills elements, as applicable, of ASA 101, 103, 104,106, 114 Certification Standards by an ASA Instructor with the appropriate corresponding ASA Instructor Certification(s). 由相应级别的 ASA 认证教练带领复习 ASA101,103,104 106, 110, 114 的技能部分

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